Friday 21 December 2018

Cactus maths problem

                                                          Cactus math problem

If I got a cactus plant I would give it 3ml of water every day for a year. First I worked out how many days there were in a year. Then I multiplied 365 by 3. I worked the answer out by going 300 x 3 = 900, 60 x 3 = 180, 5 x 3 = 15. I added all the numbers together and got 1,095. So I would have to give my cactus 1,095 ml of water a year.


  1. Dear Alicia,
    Brilliant logical thinking and a great way to work out the answer by using your knowledge of place value. Do you know how any litres that would be? Litres might be a good way of getting a visual representation in your mind's eye.

  2. Hi Alicia

    Well done for working this maths problem out. You have also showed me exactly how you worked it out which is fantastic, so thank you for that. It is always good to show how you got the answer that you did.
    Three mils of water a day is not very much water at all. But when you put it all together over a whole year it is quite a lot.
    Do you have any cactus plants at your house? Mu daughter has a few growing on the window sill in her bedroom. Some of them have really big prickles on them ! I am always very careful if she asks me to water them. They look dangerous!!

    I hope that you are having a great holiday so far and you have done some fun things with your family. It is a really sunny day today so I hope you are doing something cool!

    Keep up the great work!

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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