Saturday 4 January 2020

Short (long) story

Doofus's diary 

Hi my name is Doofus and I am a pony.  I live with my Mum, my sweet teddy bear Rosie (she is a gorgeous 12hh Welsh pony) and Rosie's rider Alicia who plays a fun game of lip tickle with me.  Here is one of my diary entries. 

Dear diary.
I want a new mum!  Today she took me to a show.  I rocked the dressage, I looked cool and fancy and  horsesome.  Mum said I was a very good boy, apart from the buck outside the arena - I got told off for that.  Apparently I got second equal with my sweet darling teddy bear (Rosie) and some other horse that I cant remember the name of.

Soooo after my dressage I was hanging out with Rosie at the float eating my hay and it started raining.  Mum put my cover on so I was nice and warm.  BUT THEN Mum said we we going jumping. In the rain!!!.  Has she gone mad! Why Why Why!   She took my warm cover off and we stood in the rain and then had to jump in the rain.  Usually I like jumping but not in the rain.  I want a new Mum!  Can i put her on Trade Me?  Would anyone buy her?  Is she worth anything?

I tried to hold a grudge and dislike her forever, but after a couple of days she feed me some nice food so now I love my Mum.

King Doofus out.

1 comment:

  1. Morena Alicia,

    You are a very talented storyteller! I absolutely loved reading this diary entry from King Doofus. Is it based on a true story?

    There are some very clever jokes in your short (long) story. I laughed out-loud when I read your new word “horsesome”, what a great pun! I also laughed when Doofus asked if he could put your mum on TradeMe. What a cheeky pony!

    Do you think ponies communicate with each other? I’d like to know if Doofus and Rosie are friends. Maybe they talk to each other on hay-book, or neigh-chat, or trotter, saddle-gram?

    A great story Alicia, I hope you enjoyed writing it as much as I enjoyed reading it :)



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