Tuesday 31 December 2019

Questions for Steven Adams

       Here are 3 questions I have for Steven Adams: 

  1. How many times do you practice in a week?  
  2. What is it feel like to run out into a basketball stadium with the crowds cheering?  
  3. Do you ever get nervous and how do deal with it?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Alicia,

    Great questions! I would love to know how Steven Adams would respond to these. I imagine he must practice everyday! Do you think he enjoys having a crowd cheer him on? I always wondered if having so many people screaming and shouting would be distracting. Or maybe you don’t notice the crowd at all when you’re in the moment.

    Do you play any sports Alicia? I enjoy playing Soccer, Tennis, and Cricket, but I will give pretty much any sport a go.

    You are doing an excellent job with your blog posts Alicia, keep it up :)



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